Thursday, March 25, 2010


so last night Matt and I are out at Wal-mart and i only have a few things to get but we started to wander around. I was looking for a new nail polish color and when i got the isle i say out loud, wow this is an awesome collection of nail polish and a lady standing in the isle say oh really. I quickly turn to her and say oh my gosh im so sorry if i have offended you, but she quickly walked away and said its ok. Who knew someone could get butt hurt about nail polish selection. So i finally find a few more choices of polish and im looking on the bottom shelf and Matt starts reading off names of lipstick and casually says to me, it must be really hard to be a girl you have to decide between perennial pink and eternal blossom. I thought i was going to pee my pants! I had to sit on the ground i start laughing so hard. it was a good five minutes before we finally left the isle. At that point i definitely felt this there should have been a pic taken for the people wal-mart. I truly think in that moment i became a classic wal-mart shopper.

Monday, March 15, 2010

so last week matt and i have this bright idea to take wynnie (our dog) to the beach. she has never been to the beach because dogs aren't allowed but there are a few where we are. I drove all the way to Huntington Beach, when we got there matt and i quickly realized we don't have a leash. After some improvising i used the string from my hoody and tied it to wynnie's collar and off we went down to the water. I let her off her leash and she sits. My dog get all the freedom and she sits! Matt starts to run down the beach and wynnie then realizes she's free and off she goes. I thought all dogs liked water well mine wants nothing to do with it she waits patiently for the waves to be gone and walks ever so slowly to get a stick and then sprints back before the water can get to her. The beach time lasted about an hour before wynnie was pooped! We tie the "leash" back on and walk back to the car. I give Matt the keys and say be careful its a little busier here than in San clemente. He pulls the car out of the spot and i can breath. We couldn't have been even a mile down the road and i say to matt don't turn after this car, so we wait a few more seconds and the car goes and so does matt. I panic and say what are you doing he then gets freaked out and stops there are 2 cars coming towards me and i YELL go go go!!!! We both survive and everyone was ok. I honestly thought i was going to die. For those of you who have never taught someone to drive don't if you don't have to its the most terrifying thing you will ever do! We make it home in one piece and about 3 hours later my heart finally stopped racing and i felt better being out of the car.